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Salient Consulting, Coaching & Training Services

Services to help privately-owned companies develop the skills and confidence to become great at growing their business.

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Salient Consulting

SALIENT MAP - Strategic Framework for Growth

The Mother of all Services. Consulting to get your organization on an accelerated path to greater profitability. Your ‘Salient Map’ is the strategic methodology, framework and execution model that sets a company culture of accountability, with clear vision, mission and direction for growth. Organizations operating without a strategic process benefit immensely from this service.


What you get:

What it does for your business:

Holistic review of your business - identifying the opportunities and constraints within your company, including strategy, execution, people, cash, clients/customers, culture and leadership.

Brings clarity to the salient aspects of your business requiring focus, putting you on a fast-track to success and stability, and moving you beyond reaction and crisis mode.

Development and implementation of the right strategic methodology for your business. Careful consideration is given to ensure the model recommended is one your team can actually execute with confidence.

Gets everyone aligned on the same page (literally) from the top-down and bottom-up. Fosters a culture of accountability and productivity, improving how the business is run with less problems and surprises.

A fresh, unbiased perspective, harvesting relevant insights and lessons learned from your business into actionable and effective systems and processes.

Accelerates your growth and margin. Increase revenue through processes identifying the high-value customers/clients worth pursuing. Reduce costs via systems designed to leverage operational efficiencies.

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Salient Coaching

Executive Empowerment and Freedom 

A favourite for business owners and senior executives who feel overwhelmed, and that too much of the company’s success rides on their contributions. Salient Coaching allows you to reclaim your schedule, reclaim your life, and grow the business in the way you’ve always wanted to.  


What you get:

What it does for your business:

Coaching on Leadership and Time Management, teaching  you (and your executive team) how to identify and focus on the activities that maximize your value to the business.

Increase the bottom line by spending more of your time on the market-facing activities that have the greatest impact on the business. Draw more strength and energy by working on the parts of the business you enjoy most.

Coaching on tools and techniques to adjust your schedule to allow you to work on the big picture while keeping the business driving forward.

Allows you to disconnect from the daily grind, giving you the precious strategic “think” time you need to work on the business and not be stuck in it.  Frees up the running of the business.

Coaching on how to develop an internal mentorship program to increase the skills and confidence of the right people that make a difference in your business.

Builds strategic depth and increases the value of your organization for potential sale by significantly reducing its reliance on your efforts for success.

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Salient Training

Better Team. Better Business

Put an end to micromanaging. Get your team thinking and acting like C-Level Executives, regardless of their role or function in the organization. Training geared to raise the skill level of your key team members across a number of disciplines. Get people lightening the burden, not adding to it, and raise your next generation of stars.


What you get:

What it does for your business:

Training your team on the high performance methodologies that C-Level Executives use to drive businesses to great success. Training emphasizes Focus, Leadership, Culture, Purpose, Alignment and Accountability.

Allows your company to scale quicker by dramatically improving productivity, communication and teamwork, significantly reducing the dependency on senior leadership to drive your business forward.

Training curriculums customized to address the hard skill and soft skill gaps within your organization, including company and industry specific best practices.

Develops “A” players and leaders at all levels, enhancing your company’s ability to embrace and adapt to change

Transformation of your company into a Learning Organization that fosters a culture of continuous improvement.

Decreased employee turnover. Increased employee loyalty and retention. Ensures critical company knowledge remains in-house.

Not sure which service is right for you?

Book your free 30-minute consultation where we talk about your business — and explore which service is best to help you achieve your goals.

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